Sunday, June 12, 2016

Jeffree Star Liquid Lipsticks Review

If you're in tune with anything makeup related in regards to social media, then you probably have heard about this brand. In specific their liquid lipsticks.

Preface: Before I begin, I'd like to say that there is controversy surrounding this brand due to the owner's behavior. You can Google it, or I can leave examples in the comment if you wish. I do not know if that would affect your decision to buy or not, but I would just like to have that out there just in case you do have some issues against companies with controversy similar to this.

Saturday, June 11, 2016

Now You See Me 2 (Spoiler Free) Thoughts

Ah look, another (spoiler free) movie review. I'm on a roll.

I saw the first Now You See Me around the time it was released, which was in 2013, with my mother.
I absolutely loved the first film. The suspense, tricks, and overall plot were puzzles that fit to make a perfect magic themed film. 

This, not so much.
Read on why you should make this movie disappear from your watch list.

Friday, June 10, 2016

Zootopia (Spoiler Free) Thoughts

First off, let me just get the inevitable out the way: I ship it. I totally ship Judy and Nick.

Now that we've got the important stuff out the way, let's talk about the movie.
I have been wanting to see this movie ever since the trailers released. 
Unfortunately I didn't have anyone to go with me, and didn't really know how to drive well.

Yesterday (June 7), Zootopia finally released on DVD. 
I rented it from Google Play Store because I had some credit on my account.

It was fantastic. It's such a well depth movie that goes beyond just a children's movie.
Read on to hear my thoughts. No Spoilers!

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Ending the 30 day challenge...early.

I felt like that the gif was appropriate.

I've decided to end the 30 day challenge early. 
Honestly, I found it boring? Very generic questions are not really my thing.
I felt like doing a 7 day trial would have been a good length.

I originally tried to do this because I wanted a way to keep me on track with blog posts. 
I wanted to make myself accountable by doing daily. Instead, it became a chore instead of a real interest.
Of course, in real life things are a chore. Things have to be a chore, but this blog is not my full time job or anything. It's a would be hobby that may turn into something.
One day this blog might become a job and that may become a chore.
But today is not that day.

So I'll be ending the 30 day challenge early. 
Instead of posting every day, I might try to stick to the schedule of every other day.
I'll have to come up with a list of blog topics, so check back Friday to see what new idea I came up with!

Sunday, June 5, 2016

Day 19/30

Your Favorite Movie

This, in my opinion, is a classic movie. Mainly everyone on this planet knows about it. 
The technology used was lightyears ahead of its time.
Yes, it's from the 90s and yes, the effects aren't on par with the things we see now.
But that's the beauty of it, because when it was released it was considered such a breakthrough film. Maybe I'm just making that part up?

Anyways let's get into WHY I love this movie.

Day 18/30

Your Favorite Photo of Yourself

Apologies for this being a day late! But I got sidetracked yesterday. Anyways, today's topic was originally going to be "A Photo of Yourself" and to be honest, since this is a mixture of beauty and lifestyle, you have already seen my face.
Instead, I decided to change this and make it "A favorite photo of yourself".
However, I've excluded any photos of me with friends and/or family because I don't want to plaster their faces across my blog without their permission.

Friday, June 3, 2016

Day 17/30

Your favorite blogs/Youtube channels.

So the original topic was only to write about your favorite blogs. In all honesty, I don't really read many blogs.  But, my days are filled with youtube channels.
So here are a few of my favorite blogs + youtube channels.

There will be a mix of beauty and non beauty channels.

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Day 15/16

Yesterday was supposed to be day 15, however I was working on this post and didn't have a chance to sit down and type up another blog post.
So for this post, I'll be combining both day 15 and 16.
P.S the Tardis is necessary as we will be talking about the future!

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Light (minimal) vs Dark (glam) makeup looks.

I wanted to do a comparison of a minimalistic's approach to makeup versus someone who is detail oriented. Or in other worlds colorful versus dark. However you want to word it.

This idea of doing a comparison didn't come to me one fine evening recently. This was something I wanted to do almost a month ago. The actual inspiration behind it might be a bore to you or something you find interesting.

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Day 14/30

Part of the 30 day blogging series

I'm not going to give you the very typical "eat healthy and exercise" because that has been mounted into our brains since we were children. From school, to our parents/relatives or other adults, to even tv shows. That has been the only healthy advice we've been really taught. 

Instead here are some maybe unconventional healthy habits or at least not as talked about.

Monday, May 30, 2016

Day 13/30

So the original title/topic for today was a "What's in my Fridge" and seeing as I still live with my parents. I don't think that would be a complete accurate representation of what I'd eat on the daily. So to make this as personal as possible, I'll be showing you what I keep around in my beauty station.

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Kate Spade Purse Unboxing

Ever since I found out about the brand Kate Spade, I have lusted over their bags. Their bags are very timeless and elegant due to the structure of their bags. I wanted one, and for my graduation I was determined to buy one, even if that meant it was a treat yo' self grad gift.

However, I was very fortunate enough to receive some graduation money from my aunt and uncle (thank you!). It also so happened that the day after I received the gift, Hautelook* was going to have a Kate Spade sale.

I felt like fate was aligning and telling me that it was my time to have ownership of a KS bag.

Without further wait, check out what I bought from the Hautelook Kate Spade sale!

Day 2 of 30

This is the second day of the 30 day blogging challenge

Wednesday, May 18, 2016