Sunday, May 29, 2016

Day 12/30

I know for many people their favorite book/series/books  as a child tend to be the Harry Potter series. However, for me it wasn't.

See, I didn't get started on the Potter express until I was a sophomore in high school.
 I actually remember one of my English classes during my junior year of college, people were talking about how they grew up with HP. That they remembered reading it as a child with their parents.

That was not me in the slightest. I didn't dig my way into more interesting series until I was 9.

This was all due to my 4th grade teacher who introduced the entire class to:
 A Series of Unfortunate Events

One thing she did that I loved and always looked forward to was to read out loud a couple of pages of one of the books.
A lot of times she would be out because her children were always sick, and on those days I would be really disheartened because I sincerely looked forward to hearing her read the book!

This lead me to eventually pick up the books from the library and start reading them on my own, but I still looked forward to hearing her read. Mainly because I had a smirk on my face because I knew what was going to happen.

I loved this series because it portrayed kids in a different light. That they were fully capable of being on their own. Obviously, that should not be a situation in real life.
But they showed intelligent kids who bounded together in order to survive.

I always loved Violet for her abilities to invent. I always wanted to have that ability but sadly I'm not as coordinated as her.

I secretly, but now no longer a secret, had a crush on Klaus.
He was smart, and I think one year older than me.

Sunny, was interesting. I mean, she was a toddler. I didn't have much in common with her.

I remember when the original movie came out. I was so excited! 
And then became utterly disappointed. 
I look forward to the Netflix series though!

What are your favorite books? Series? Let me know!

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