Monday, May 23, 2016

Day 6/30

This is part of the 30 day blogging challenge.

Probably failure?

I'm not talking about not being filfthy rich (although I won't complain if I end up that way) or being super famous. I think of failure in terms of two things:
  not having a stable/decent job and not finding love

I didn't grow up with a lot of money, and if we did have any, it was kind of tight.
So if this blog does not take off in at least a decent way, then I'd like to have a job that fair pays good and has the ability to be promoted.

I'd like to have a job that will lead to more opportunities and owning my own place.
The failure of that would be that I haven't moved out of my parents' place and do not have a job of my own.
I am able bodied (for the most part) and to not use that and rely on others would make me feel like a failure.

The second thing is not finding love.
I know that sounds really cliche, but I think it's for that for a reason.
Everyone wants a to find love, it's universal.

I would be devastated if I didn't find someone before I died. 
What would be the point of success if I didn't have someone to share it with?

Those are my fears.
What are yours? Do you fear failure? If so, in what way? Let me know!

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