Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Day 14/30

Part of the 30 day blogging series

I'm not going to give you the very typical "eat healthy and exercise" because that has been mounted into our brains since we were children. From school, to our parents/relatives or other adults, to even tv shows. That has been the only healthy advice we've been really taught. 

Instead here are some maybe unconventional healthy habits or at least not as talked about.

  • First on the list is skincare. Some of you may be nodding your head like "Yeah, that is a really good habit to have" While others are you may have a confused, deer in the headlights look. Skincare is quite important especially if you wear makeup. You MUST take off your makeup every night. Even if it's one of those Neutrogena makeup wipes, something off is better than nothing off. A good skincare can help decrease breakouts, help heal acne scarring which overall gives you better self esteem which leads to better mental health.

  • Speaking of mental health. The second on the list is making sure you have a healthy mind. Many of us, including myself, suffer from some kind of mental health disorder. It is important to seek help if need be. To take your medications and to work towards lessening the burden of your mental health. Mental health is often stigmatized because it can not be physically seen. Just because someone doesn't appear "depressed" or "anxiety" ridden doesn't mean they aren't. It just means they may be a functioning depressed or anxiety person. They still take part in daily life, but to maybe the bare minimum.
  • To wrap it up, let's talk about the end of the day. It is really important to have a good nights sleep.  I have a really bad habit (which I currently am doing as I type up this blog post) of staying up all night. As a society, that has become some kind of accomplishment. It should not be looked as one. College students, speaking as recent graduate, are expected and even praised for pulling a all nighter to get decent grades. I knew people who pulled many all nighters or near all nighters just so they can have as many accomplishments on their list. Which is fine, but it can be a habit that becomes hard to break. Furthermore, is it really worth it? Probably not. Unless you're the President of the United States, then calling for a all nighter isn't worth it.

So, what are your healthy habits tips? It can be as traditional as "exercise and eat right" or something more unusual. Let me know!

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