Click more for on my thoughts on the post days after graduation..
This past Saturday (5/14) I finally graduated college with a degree in Sociology.
It has been a surreal a couple of days. The last time I'll ever move out of a dorm, the last time I may or may not walk the campus. The last time I'll have the Dunkin Donuts under my dorm.
When I entered my last semester, I felt like everything was going so fast. Granted, we had a couple of snow days which would explain speeding up the process. However, the closer it got to graduation, the more panic attacks I seemed to have.
Where would I go? What would I do with my life?
What would people say about the job I have or the path I choose?
Most of my friends had some idea or some plan of their life. My roommate and friend since 8th grade was going to be a pharmacist. She was going to take a year off, and then enter pharmacy school next fall. Others was going to pursue their masters or had jobs/internships lined up.
What about me? It felt like I wasn't up to par with my friends and classmates. They had their life figured out, and here I was, a soon to be graduate with no plan or direction.
Then after spring break, I had decided that I wanted to pursue something that has to do with makeup. And I still hold by that, which is why I decided to create a blog. However, I was not content with just makeup related things. While it's a die hard passion of mine, I felt like I was just limited to beauty products and wanted to venture outside of that.
Slowly, I realized I wanted to do something with social media. I grew up with social media. I remember, and I hope you do too, the trainwreck that was MySpace. It was such a terrible social media site, because it was mainly hosted with teenagers. During that time, I went through my "punk/scene" wannabe phase.
Please tell me you also had that phase.
Then I remember seeing Facebook and Twitter becoming a thing.
I don't know where this blog or life will take me.
But all I know is that security is not a real thing.
I'll end this post with one of my favorite quotes from Jim Carrey about security:
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