Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Day 8/30

Part of the blogging series

Like with the facts about me post I did earlier, I'm also bad at setting goals. I tend not to really follow them, even though I'll buy a hoard of stationary to write them down on, but I'll try my best.

1.  Come up with blog post ideas:
After this series, I still on planning on blogging but the ideas for it kind of is difficult to come up with.

2. Look for jobs:
There is a good chance that I won't be doing blogging full time any time soon. So in the mean time, I'd like to look for a job while I blog.

3. Eat healthier:
I know this is on everyone's goal list. But for me, I think eating healthy is where it starts. There is no point in exercising just to put junk food in your mouth. This might be a hard one, because I love to eat bad foods. So I might do a food journal or something.

4. Write in my journal more:
Earlier this year/late last year, I started to write in my journal and I really enjoyed it. I wish I could do it more, but sometimes I just get really tired and can't be bothered.

5. Read for leisure:
I can't tell you the last time I read for fun. Probably in high school? It's been a while, mainly due to the fact that college readings tend to be VERY long and I couldn't muster up the desire to read anything else. I do read the news and such. I haven't picked up an actual novel in a very long time. I don't know where to begin though!

Hope you enjoyed this list. What are your 5 current goals? Do you have a list of books to recommend, let me know!

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